World First 100% Natural Injectable Filler For Immediate Volume Enhancement

Harness The Regenerative Power Of


The Natural Choice In Aesthetic Enhancement

The Future of Regenerative Aesthetics

  • BioFiller is an autologous (patient’s own injectate) to improve appearance and function that uses heat stabilised plama gel and high-platelet dose platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

  • The heated, volume stabilised plasma albumin gel works well for volume restoration for 3-6 months, but has no regenerative properties as the platelet growth factors are destroyed during the heating process.

  • To deliver the best benefit for the patient, volume restoration and tissue regeneration is desirable. Regeneration potential properties are added to the viscous platelet-poor plasma (PPP) gel by adding a small volume of Alocuro high-platelet dose platelet rich plasma (PRP). This combination injectate is key to delivering volume restoration and regeneration outcome.

  • Yes, as the BioFiller injectate is the patient’s own blood, there are not the same concerns regarding risk of allergic reaction, rejection, biofilm, granuloma or Tyndall effect.

    1. Collect larger volume of platelet-poor plasma (PPP) and a small volume of very-high platelet dose platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

    2. Activate platelet-poor plasma (PPP), then hear and cool in BioFiller processor equipment.

    3. Mix platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with heat stabilised plasma albumin gel at a ratio of 1:10.

    4. The autologous product is injected subcutaneously for volume restoration and subdermal regeneration.

    5. Time from venepuncture to prepared injectate is 30 minutes.

BioFiller Volume Restoration & Tissue Regeneration

Benefits of Combining Heat-Stabilised Albumin Gel with High-Platelet Dose PRP

How is Alocuro BioFiller Protocol Unique?

Alocuro BioFiller represents a novel strategy for improving clinical outcomes:

  • BioFiller uses the best properties of each blood product with no compromise of each product’s efficacy.

  • Completely autologous biomaterial, low cost and promotes regeneration of cells within its microenvironment.

  • Avoids foreign body reaction as it uses the patient’s own blood.

  • Remains moldable during injection and post-procedure.

  • Capable of stimulating tissue regeneration over extended periods of time.

  • The final volume will settle after 1 week.

How Does Heating and Cooling Create The Plasma Albumin Gel?

Platelet-poor plasma (PPP) is first ‘activated’ using Alocuro sterile, single-use BioFiller ‘activator’:

  • The activated (PPP) is then transferred to the appropriate volume syringes which are sealed with a syringe closure cap, before placing in the BioFiller processor.

The plasma gel is achieved by using the BioFiller processor via:

  • Precise heating protocol at a stable temperature, followed by

  • Precise cooling protocol.

How is The BioFiller Injectable Made?

After a 14-minute processing time, the heat-stabilised plasma albumin gel will be very viscous, with a consistency similar to autologous fat:

  • The material has good volume stability over time but has no regenerative power, so regeneration potential needs to be added back to the injectate.

  • A Luer-Luer transfer connector (LLTC) is used to mix a small volume of very-high platelet dose (PRP) with the plasma albumin gel at a ratio of 1:10.

  • The 2 materials are passed through (LLTC) 4 times to deliver a homogenous injectate of the patient’s own BioFiller injectable for volume restoration and regeneration.

Alocuro BioFiller Results

— Charlotte Wolfenden, Self Aesthetics

— Charlotte Wolfenden, Self Aesthetics